
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Some Changes Around the House

I finally got around to posting pictures of our newly (somewhat) remodeled bathroom, and now the post is gone. I don't know what happened to it, so I guess I'll just start over. I'm too tired to rewrite the whole post. Instead you just get the before and after shots:

We think it's much improved. It's easier to clean and of course it now has a bathtub. The toilet is much smaller, which is good if you've got short legs like me. And I do have short legs like me.

After taking down the Christmas decorations this year, the house look even emptier than usual. I've been adding little odds and ends to brighten it up. Anyway, I LOVE this sign my sister-in-law gave me:

It says "this kitchen is seasoned with love." It's perfect. I knew just where to put it.

I also decided to build some shelves near the kitchen. I needed more room for my books but also thought the space needed a little something. I'm still scared we may come home one day to a horrible mess of collapsed shelves, but they've been up for two months now without incident.

Ignoring the poor photography skills (like leaving the fan lights on), I think it adds a lot to that wall. I may put a plant or vase on the ground below, but I still like it better than before.


croaking toad said...

Love it. A husband and wife team of handymen in the family. Awesome!

Rina said...

I would love to see your house in person one day. I'm glad you found a place for the board and I love your kachina doll. Oh - and the bathroom turned out great too!

Tamara said...

Very cute. Love the shower tile.