
Monday, March 21, 2011

Other People's Kids

Because, well, because I think the fates are conspiring against me, I've been substituting the little ones at church. Like, the 3-5 range. It is both the cutest and most difficult age. Last week everyone was especially wound up (spring break rubbing off from the older kids, maybe?). I came home from church utterly exhausted, but had one sweet little moment.

We were trying to form a line in the hallway while waiting for the class to finish their business on the potty. The High Priests (=oldest men at church) happened to pass by. One especially precocious little guy got really excited. His eyes lit up and he quickly tugged on my arm. "Teacher!" he said. "I just saw a prophet!" Since we were just studying prophets, I am going to assume it means he was listening.

On a serious note, our stake patriarch is in our ward and was part of the group that passed us. He is the epitome of a kind, gentle, Christian man; he does have a kind of reverence about him. Even though I laughed, literally, out loud when the kid said it, maybe it wasn't a completely ridiculous comment. I think his sweet spirit did pick up on something special.