
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My Teenage Skin

My fellow blogger Nathan mentioned an encounter with adult acne. Well, technically, he mentioned one major zit, but I do love hyperbole. After all of the tinkering with my hormones, I got hit hard with adult acne of my own. My skin is always prone to stress break outs, but this was ridiculous. The good news is that it's under control. For now.

I made a remark to a friend (who may or may not be a few generations my senior) about how I still have "teenage skin." She sighed dramatically and responded with, "Oh, you are so lucky!" What? Lucky? I admit, I'm not quite in the wrinkle stage of skin, so maybe I just don't appreciate what I have. However, who would want teenage skin? I still buy Clean-and-Clear acne-fighting face wash and dab benzyl-peroxide on my blackheads at night. I can't even put lotion on my t-zone without a violent break-out. Don't we really want children skin? Skin with no wrinkles or pimples? Now that sounds pretty good to me.

1 comment:

Nathan said...

Seriously. I'm betting Floyd and his descendants will be with me for a LONG time.