
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Better Than the CIA

Did I mention my new position was the position Sam was let go from? It makes me feel awkward in all kinds of ways. I inherited some of her office supplies (like a personalized mouse pad), and I ended up getting rid of it all. Even though it's not my fault that she's gone, I still feel a little guilty using her old stuff. However, it has reminded me of another impressive fact about her. We were having a political discussion once and somehow it turned to the government knowing where Bin Laden was hiding but intentionally not acting on it. I tend to tune out the conversation about the point it goes into conspiracy theory, so I almost missed an important piece of info. Not only does the government know, but she knows. Yup, Sam knows where Bin Laden is hiding. In case you're wondering, he's in Canada, near Niagra Falls. If ever he's caught and that's where he's found, remember you heard it here first.


Nathan said...

Point taken. I'll alert the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Melody said...

Sam sounds great. I almost wish I could meet her...almost.