
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Heavy Sleeper

Before I get into the meat of my post, I would like to announce that the honeymoon of my new position is over. Remember how much I love my new boss? She's no longer with the company. Big sigh.

On a happier note, I had a nice weekend with my family. It was far too long since visiting my mama--and my puppy who is no longer a puppy at 13 years old. He slept with his head on my leg and I couldn't have been happier. Speaking of naps . . .

The lady next to me on the airplane fell asleep. We had some really nasty turbulence, and they weren't even able to finish the drink service. The lady slept on. Well, when the flight attendants felt confident enough to brave the rocking plane aisles to pick up the trash, they had only a few minutes before landing. As they rushed through, the woman on the other side of me tried to hand over her peanuts wrapper but dropped it . . . directly onto the sleeping lady. The flight attendant looked at the trash for half a second then walked away. The other woman (I'll refer to her as the litterer) hardly batted an eye before returning to her book.

Seriously people? Who leaves garbage on the sleeping lady?

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