
Sunday, May 30, 2010

It's Against My Religion

I've been reminiscing about high school a lot recently and remembered a funny story involving this girl. We went to a teppanyaki restaurant with my friend Nicole and my family. When the server brought out the shrimp appetizer Nicole politely declined, as did I. My dad (the always adventuresome eater) started to give us a hard time about not eating seafood. Without batting an eye she said, "Oh, well, eating fish is against my religion." "I thought you were Mormon," he said (by the way, he wasn't). "I am," she shrugged. He was genuinely confused for a few minutes before he realized she was teasing him. I have to say, that's a talent I wish I had. I really admire people who can deliver a good joke with a straight face. I'm pretty sure Nicole might've kept him going longer if I hadn't started giggling.

1 comment:

Nathan said...

Oh, if only I could do that too. I can't even get a joke out before I start yelling, "Just kidding, just kidding!"

It's an embarrassment.