
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Weekly Menu

One way I show my uptightness is my weekly menu planning. One of my New Year's resolutions for '08 was to make more meals at home, and I figured I'd need to get organized to do it. So I started an Excel workbook (yeah, I'm in accounting). See?

It's sick, really. I plan for each day across the top and then list the ingredients along the left. The sickest part is that I order the ingredients. Yes, they are in the same order as the grocery store aisles. Who does that? For the record, I don't always do so well as the week above. Lately we've had a lot of Hamburger Helper and frozen pizza nights but you get the idea.


Nathan said...

Well, impressed is one word for this. I'm not in accounting, but I often find Excel to be way too helpful for my own good. If I'm not careful, everything I do would involve a spreadsheet at some point in the process.

Kylee said...

Russ would LOVE this! He always wants me to put everything in Excel. Great job on all the planning. I am trying to figure out what to make for dinner tonight! :)

Rina said...

I do the same... only on paper not computer. I write out my menu for the week and all my ingredients for each meal. Then I order it so I can more efficiently hit the grocery store! (You'll find this is excellent planning when you have 3 wild children in tow.)

Derrill Watson said...

Actually, we've been doing something remarkably similar. We don't often write out the ingredients for each food, but we have an Excel file with our usual shopping arranged in columns based on where in the store they are.