
Friday, April 9, 2010

Meeting Ryan's Parents

The first time I met Ryan's parents, we'd been dating for six months and were very close to engaged. In fact, as soon as he got the parents' approval of me, he proposed like two days later. Needless to say, I was a little nervous.

We went to dinner at Tecano's where they have a little salad buffet. As I was spooning some pasta salad onto my plate Ryan all but shouted, "Christie, you can eat more than that. You're eating for two now!" Of course Ryan's mom was right behind him and I just about died. I turned around to smack him on the head, but his mom beat me to it.

She even apologized for her son being such a goof. I'll always be grateful to my MIL who assumed the best in me. And I'll forever begrudge Ryan for such a rocky start with the in-laws. Payback is still lying in wait for that one . . .


Nathan said...

I must admit, I laughed a little about this one.

About the eating for two comment


about the mother-in-law smacking some sense into him.

Revenge on this one will be sweet.

croaking toad said...

Well if you ever need help coming up with a good pay back you can count on your MIL to help come up with a real good one! Hmmm I'll have to start giving it some real serious thought. Maybe the Washington game could provide a nice backdrop for mayhem.

Kylee said...

Ha ha...that is pretty funny. I can totally see Ryan doing that. I am glad you survived! :)