
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

LOL Mishap

My friend had a little misunderstanding with her boss. He wrote her an email that was somewhat amusing. Her response? "Lol." After a few minutes he walked out of his office with a confused/concerned look on his face. "I'm not sure I understood your email," he said. "What's to understand? I just thought what you said was funny," she answered. Again, he looked confused. After a minute he asked, "Wait, what does 'lol' mean?" Of course she explained it meant laugh out loud. Instant relief flooded his face and he exclaimed, "Oh!! I thought it meant lots of love." My friend blankly stared at him for awhile, blinked a few times, and then her boss walked back into his office. Awkward doesn't even cover it.


Kylee said...

That is hilarious, and VERY embarrassing! Glad it wasn't me this time doing something embarrassing!

Nathan said...

I'm amazed someone has gone this long without ever hearing that definition.

David and Kimber Strasser said...