
Sunday, January 3, 2010

Recap of '09 Goals

This is a tedious post. I advise you not to read unless you're really bored. Or want to become bored. 2009 was the first year I really made an effort to set goals. Specific, reasonably attainable goals (I think my buddy Stephen R. would've been proud). Anyway, I think blogging about my progress on said goals will provide some accountability. So basically this post is for me, not you.

1 - Learn to make breads: cinnamon rolls, loaf breads, rolls, pizza crust, and artisan breads.
I have made yummy cinnamon rolls plus decent rolls and pizza crust. For Christmas I got two baking books and some supplies, so I should be on track to learn loaf and artisan breads this year.
2 - Fix our yard: get grass growing, keep tidy and presentable, get patio furniture, plant flowers.
Ehhh, Ryan got our grass growing (looks great, honey!), and I've tried to do better about sweeping the porch and raking the leaves. Note: leaves are littering the front yard as I type. We now have a good grill and a fire pit but no other furniture. I guess this is another to be continued in '10.
3 - Replace the front door with a nicer one that lets in light.
We have the new door picked out, but we've had trouble finding a contractor to do the work. The first guy tried to hoodwink us, the second guy hasn't returned my calls . . . we will be calling guy number three shortly.
4 - Catch up on writing in my journal (this was actually #6 but I was getting low self esteem listing so many unaccomplished goals in a row).
Although I still have much room for improvement, I am actually up to date through the new year on my journal writing.
5 - Do Temple work for my father.
I'm a horrible person, but I didn't do this one. I'm only a month or two late though. Yeah, no excuses . . .
6 - Settle my dad's affairs.
This was perhaps my loftiest goal and I am closer than I expected. We have a few straggling issues to finish, but we're almost there! The house sold (truly a miracle), the estate sale was successful, and the Harley sold (I am sooo glad I'm not stuck with a motorcycle).
7 - Visit my grammie's farm in Texas.
I added this one late in the year, so she didn't have any trips planned. She has been informed that I'm interested though, so we will be going sometime this year, I hope.
8 - Get into shape.
Big fat no.
9 - Reorganize the filing cabinet.
Yes! Finally an unequivocal yes.
10 - Clean the baseboards.
Another yes.
11 - Clean the garage.
12 - Learn the Articles of Faith.
I know this is embarrassing. I mean, what adult does that? But I never memorized them as I child (being baptized at 13). It seemed like I should learn them before we have children so that I can teach them. Well, I did it! I have to sing some of them, but I can do it.
13 - Go camping.
No. Our trip was canceled due to some bad timing.
14 - Make a cake from scratch.
It was not the loveliest cake, but it was pretty tasty.
15 - Make a pie (that actually tastes good).
My first pie attempt was a disaster. I guess I overfilled it, and the filling seeped over and then beneath the crust. The entire pie was encased in black burntness. My next attempt was Alton's blueberry and it was great! I've also made a couple of pot pies using , and they were okay. The trust was tasty, but it fell apart and had to be pieced back together. Probably I just need to practice.
16 - Repaint our side gate.
Yes! And since I used tinted sealant instead of paint, hopefully I won't have to do it again for awhile. Also, I pretended I was the Karate Kid.
17 - Clean out the closets.
One down and two more to go.
18 - Start food storage!
Ryan's parents had the genius idea to give us two 30-day supplies for Christmas each year. At our second year, we now have 60 days a piece. I also bought a can rotating system so we have canned goods to last us probably another 60 days. I redid our 72-hour kits (that previously were without food). So I'd say I'm off to an okay start. If food storage is even a fraction as scary to you as it is to me, check out this website: which helped me tons just to get motivated.
Well, I guess I have a lot of unfinished business to roll to this year. Soon to come, my 2010 list. Again, to add accountability; I don't expect anyone to read them.


Meredith said...

Sounds like a successful year to me! I didn't even have resolutions last least that I can remember...which means that if I did they quite obviously didn't get accomplished. Have you tried Rose Levy Beranbaum's Bread Bible? I found one at the library and tried a couple recipes with great success. She has EXCELLENT tips. Like using a shower cap (the free ones from hotel stays) to cover the bread while it rises.

Sarah said...

This is a great idea. I never thought about making my goals public but I think a little accountability might increase my chances of something getting done.