
Friday, January 8, 2010

A Little Slow

I've always been slow to join the band wagon. I mean, I got an Ipod less than six months ago. We JUST got Guitar Hero, and I only added texting to my phone plan a few months ago. I think you get the point. At any rate, it doesn't really bother me. I like to make informed decisions, and it takes me awhile to decide a fad is worth doing. But what was I thinking not joining Netflix??? This thing is great. Has everyone else been using them for years?


David and Kimber Strasser said...

Oh we love Netflix! We don't get any channels really on our TV so we just watch things on Netflix instant to computer and the movies we get in the mail and (hulu is where you can watch TV shows for free) My favorite show on Netflix instant is H2O: Just add Water, it is good. Anyways I still don't have an Ipod or texting or Guitar Hero. David doesn't want video games in the house with children right now, even though we totally enjoy a lot of the games on the Wii and such. He is probably right at least right now because Eliana is hard enough to just limit 1 hour of TV/computer games a day already. She would want to play it all day. So you are not the only one not joining all the fads. I don't think I will get into texting really. I guess I do text once in a while, but it costs me $.15 a text. Don't think I will add it to my plan though. I want an Ipod but don't know anything about them and I had a phone that could do music but never got any on it.

Nathan said...

I'm an old fogey when it comes to technology. I still don't have texting on my plan.

Rina said...

You're ahead of me! I still use a cd player and that is cool. And we rent our VHS tapes from the library. We are AWESOME! (but mostly we are cheap)