
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

And Hannah Montana Is No More

It's true. The final episode was this weekend. Did you know? If you have a little girl between the ages of four and ten, you probably do. Then again . . . I've noticed a pretty rapid decline of Hannah Montana paraphernalia the last six months or so. In fact, we didn't even have any Hanna Montana's trick-or-treat to our door. Clearly, it is time for her reign to end.

Even so, it seems like they blasted through the last season as quick as possible. Because it's late, and I don't want to make the effort to get up, I looked up some stats. According to Wikipedia, the last season had only 13 episodes! The first season had 26 (so double), and the other two seasons had about 30. You're hearing it here first, people. I would bet money (if I was a betting woman) that Disney knows of some Miley Cyrus scandal brewing, due to erupt at any moment. They got the season done as fast as they could in order to beat the leak! That, or market share was dropping faster than the speed of light.

[btw, I kinda like the replacement show Shake It Up! But don't tell anyone]

1 comment:

Crissybug said...

There was already a video leaked of her smoking out of a bong. It was supposedly something that is legal in California, but still didn't look good. It is so sad that these 'cute' Disney girls (Britney, Lindsey Lohan etc.) end up turning into complete (sorry for the word...) sluts. You would think that they would be more aware of the image they portray to these young girls even after their stint with Disney is over.