
Monday, October 11, 2010

Run of Bad Luck

I had all kinds of funny things to post about but have been really under the weather and forgot them all. Sorry. Well, all but today's run of bad luck.

Today is the first day I really got hungry for real food (as in not just toast and soup), so Ryan sweetly brought me home carry out. I ordered a sandwich with the croissant substituted with a tortilla to make a wrap. I opened the box and saw lettuce, tomato, turkey, bacon, and avocado. That's it. No croissant. No tortilla. No bread at all. It was, however, nicely held together by one of those decorative toothpicks. WEIRD. And Annoying.

Then, as another surprise, Ryan brought home Mario Kart for the Wii. He opened up the game case to find . . . instructions and ads. No disc. Luckily he kept the receipt and they did exchange it, but the customer service lady seemed AWFULLY suspicious.

Seriously, don't ask me for the winning lottery numbers tonight. I'm sure I won't be winning any blog contests either.


Kylee said...

Christie, I am sorry things are going weird for you right now. Hopefully it is the trial before the blessings! :) I feel like my life is a lot like that right now....not the most fun. Hang in there!

Rina said...

That is pretty funny. Bowen had a day like this last Friday. Canceled recess! Then they canceled school popcorn! Then Kaden's soccer practice got canceled (and he likes to go play with his friend Aubrey on the playground during his practice)! He was listing off everything and saying what a weird day it was. I thought of you and your bad luck day!

We are excited you guys got Mario Kart. We just played online with some of my old roommates on Sunday night. It was fun. Next time we play I'll let you know so you can join us! Or let us know when you want to challenge us. Bowen is pretty awesome - look out!