
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Just What You Need

Sometimes you get just what you need. Even in VERY unexpected places. I saw a commercial for the movie "Overboard" today. Have you seen it? I don't recommend it. It's really a rather stupid movie. One year we watched it on TV on Christmas day. Our family had been going through a rough spot, so it wasn't the best Christmas. I think "Overboard" came on after something a little more Christmasy we were watching, and we just kept it on. It was just what we needed. We laughed so hard. It was so stupid but we giggled and giggled the whole move through. I've seen the movie since, and can't figure out what we saw in it. All I know is that it was exactly what we needed.

Lately I've been pretty self-absorbed (more even than usual!). I watched this movie, and I definitely DO recommend it. Seems like the lady in the video got what she needed in an unexpected place herself.

1 comment:

Rina said...

Let's be honest, I kept waiting for a clip from Overboard to play into the video. (is that the one with Goldie Haun and Kurt Russell?) Anyway, thanks for sharing the thought-provoking clip.