
Thursday, December 10, 2009


I always tell Ryan he'll get comeuppance for his misdeeds. Sadly, I got a taste of my own medicine. Literally.

I bought this sweet little item while in New Mexico.

When Ryan was carrying it into the house, the bottom of the bag broke. Just like my heart when he told me. Wouldn't you know, the jar didn't shatter though. The bottom just fell off. So Ryan, trying to console me, explains that it's salvageable. He scooped off the top layer in case it had any stray glass. Then he put it in tupperware.

I've been enjoying this raspberry goodness almost every day since Thanksgiving. Yesterday I realized it was almost empty. A few bites into my toast, I felt horrible stabbing pain in my gum. Obviously, I found a glass shard. I was able to extract it myself without any long term damage.

Ryan obviously felt terrible and kept apologizing. Then he remembered I'd made him a PB&J sandwich for lunch. "Oh no!" he said. "I guess I better not eat my sandwich."

Sheepishly I looked at the ground. Taking a deep breath I said, "I have a confession. I've been eating the good stuff . . . sigh . . . and giving you the cheapy store brand. Your sandwich is safe." Suddenly his guilt fled. He realized it wasn't his fault I almost swallowed sharp glass; it was fate. I was just getting my comeuppance.


Nathan said...

At least you came clean. If not, fate could have gotten creative.

Tamara said...

Christie - this story is hilarious....but sorry about you getting glass in your gums.

Melody said...

This is great. I read it out loud to my husband and we both laughed. Thanks for updating your blog. I love it. I also love the story about justice and mercy.