
Monday, September 29, 2008

Musings on Music

First off, I have a deep dark secret. I am a Hannah Montana fan. Actually, it's not a secret because I'm not nearly as ashamed as I probably should be. That being said, I give the credit to the marketing geniuses of Disney, not to any extraordinary talent of her own.

Taylor Swift is different. If I could be anyone in the world besides myself for a week, I just might pick Taylor. Aside from her gorgeous looks, curly hair, and fun music to belt out during my Wednesday commutes, I think she is very talented. She writes her own songs and plays the guitar. For one so young, she seems to be quite mature. I really do respect her as a person in addition to loving her music.

Yet, I admit the part of me that loves her best is the part of me that secretly wants to wear a princess dress and run around the house dancing and singing at the top of my lungs. Her newest song "Love Story" is my favorite Taylor Swift song yet. I was belting it out tonight, twirling in the kitchen in between stirring the pasta and nuking the bacon. [Don't tell my husband or he'll know that's what took me so long to make dinner!] Taylor, here's to you!

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