
Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I must first admit that I've neither seen nor read Brigadoon. But I think I get the concept. Brigadoon to me was Progress Mfg. I worked there to get a little experience (and income) while going to school. My good friend and former coworker sent word that a second round of layoffs occurred today, and he isn't one of the survivors. This kind of thing really does happen all of the time, especially in an economy doing as well as ours. But there is something intrinsically sad to me about a struggling company, and this goes deeper than that. Tonight I realized I can't return again to my Brigadoon. Ironically I was going to visit Progress on Friday for the first time in over a year. So this is how Tommy must've felt.

Progress Mfg isn't something that matters to very many people, but I can tell you it matters to me. And I would think to anybody who has worked there. It was truly something special--an anomaly of the business world. Maybe not perfect, but as close as any place could ever get. Everyone's ideas were valued, whether coming from an executive or a welder. Everyone was given the chance to voice those opinions, and everyone was appreciated and recognized for their efforts. I felt empowered and fulfilled as an employee. I felt safe to take risks and make mistakes. The very best part, however, was the people. Never have a worked with such genuinely good people. Knowing that, makes it even harder to hear that so many of them have been laid off.

Though fleeting, I was glad to catch even a glimpse of Brigadoon.

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