
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Nursery and Other Matters

The nursery is done! If Angela came tomorrow (which, we hope she doesn't for her own little sake) then we would at least have a room for her. I feel really fortunate not to have too many complaints. Obviously bending over is getting harder as is sitting for long periods, but for the most part I'm comfortable and we both seem to be healthy. Just don't ask about the heartburn.

Ryan is still working away. He was on "break" for two weeks but that turned out to be a joke. His professors decided to give him homework as well as a project. At least he was at home and not in class until 10pm. He also took his first ever business trip, and it did not leave him with a good impression. The important thing is that he survived and of course hopes he doesn't have to do it again any time soon.

I'm getting my to-do list done little by little and am still volunteering at the storehouse. My mission technically ended (although that reminds me that I never was released either . . . ) but I will keep going as a volunteer as long as I'm feeling up to it. They know not to expect me back after Christmas though! Even though everyone jokes that I will just bring baby girl with me and let all the "grandma's" take care of her while I work. We'll see. I told them I'm not making any promises about that.

So here are the pictures! For some reason it seems like LOTS of yellow in the first picture, but it's just the angle inside the crib, I think. It's not really a yellow nursery except for the bed spread.


Rina said...

Super cute!! And I love the shape of the room. It will be so fun to see Baby in that crib!

David and Kimber Strasser said...

I love it, way cute. I love monkeys and your vinyl saying! Wow, you already have a big bed for her too? Love the name too by the way

Kylee said...

It looks awesome! What a cozy room to cuddle with your sweet baby! She is such a lucky girl to come to your family! You are going to be so sweet with her!