
Saturday, July 2, 2011

I Had the Craziest Dream

Ryan cringes when I start off a conversation that way. He thinks my dreams are always crazy and does not really care to hear them. Of all the things I prattle on about, it's the topic he cares about the least. It's true that I often have vivid dreams but I've had some odd ones even for me lately. (I'm told this is normal with pregnancy)

So. I really did have the craziest dream last week. I was at a party (a nice party, like at a church friend's house) and I found myself thoroughly enjoying a Corona. It tasted like Squirt. My friend politely asked me if it was wise to be drinking. "Oh yes," I said. "My mom told me that it was okay if I only had one." The friend gave me an odd look and walked away.

Do you ever have dreams that are so weird, even your dream self can't take it seriously? Dream Christie started giving this whole Corona thing some serious thought. I remembered that I was pregnant and wondered why my mother (who is a nurse!) would tell me it was okay to drink one. Was it really okay? Somehow, it just didn't seem okay. Then I remembered, "I'm a Mormon! I'm not supposed to drink! Pregnant or not!" I was still puzzling over whether they were going to kick me out of church and if I'd killed some of my baby's brain cells when I woke up.

But what I really wanted to know the next morning is . . . do Coronas really taste like Squirt? Because I'm not really going to try one, but now I'm curious.

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