
Monday, December 13, 2010

Looking on the Bright Side

Before I forget, the donut recipe I used is right here.

Moving on. Here in the strange land of Arizona, our leaves start falling in December. We had a huge pile in front, so I went to rake them. I soon found myself drowning in leaves. As if I didn't feel overwhelmed enough, my sweet (and rather chatty) older neighbor saw me and came over to say hello. For thirty minutes. I had no idea how I was going to get the leaves raked as well as everything else I had to do.

Then along came my very favorite jolly neighbor boy offering to help. He grabbed his dad's giant rake and worked up quite a little sweat. It was so kind of him to help me! And truthfully, I needed it.

He noticed that as we were raking away, the leaves continued to fall. It's a never ending process. Just like life I thought and sighed. After thinking a minute, he looked up all chubby-cheek-smiles and said, "Maybe some of them will land on the pile!" I laughed so hard. It was such a clever and optimistic thought, even if a little naive. He's definitely a cheerful kid, and that positive attitude seems to be working for him. I could benefit from a little of that optimism.


croaking toad said...

Ha Ha .. Can you hear me playing my little violin Chrsitie? You and your kind neighbor ought to come for a visit and a little REAL raking next fall.

Melody said...

Thanks for the link to the donut recipe. I've been looking for a new tradition to start with my husband since we are in Kansas City this year with nothing to do. We loved the donuts. I hope yours turned out great as well. Merry Christmas!

Holly said...

There's a sacrament talk in there somewhere. :)